

Ridder骑士上海   2018/09/30

为了保持全球农业食品创新者的领先地位,荷兰园艺业必须继续积极主动地适应全球发展趋势。虽然之前的重点是机械化和自动化,但数字化将在未来推进农业和园艺领域的可持续发展进程发挥重要作用。骑士集团(Ridder)首席执行官Klaas van de Poppe上周日在荷兰RTL电视台的电视节目Greenproject上强调了这一点。

In order to maintain its leading position as a global agrofood innovator,the Dutch horticulture sector must continue to be proactive in adapting toglobal trends and developments. Whereas the focus was previously onmechanization and automation, it will mainly be digitalization that plays animportant role in advancing the sustainability of agricultural andhorticultural processes in the future. Ridder CEO Klaas van de Poppe emphasizedthis last Sunday on Greenproject, a Dutch television programme broadcast by RTLTelevision.


Ridder featured in RTL television broadcast Greenproject


Greenproject节目每周都会特别关注“绿色”行业的创新,可持续发展和企业社会责任等领域。为了了解荷兰农产品知识和创新在全球范围内的价值,主持人Roel Kyvelos在阿姆斯特丹的GreenTech交易会上参观了Ridder的展台。 “面对纷繁复杂的市场,挑战,文化等,您是如何量身定制战略来应对的?”

Ridder on GreenTech

Each week, the Greenproject programme focuses on noteworthy developments in the areas of green innovation, sustainability and corporate social responsibility. To find out how valuable Dutch agrifood knowledge and innovations are made available worldwide, presenter Roel Kyvelos visited Ridder's stand at the GreenTech trade fair in Amsterdam. “Various markets, challenges, cultures... how can you tailor your approach to each individually?”


根据骑士集团(Ridder)首席执行官Klaas van de Poppe的说法,根据当地条件和当地知识水平更好的定制解决方案和创新变得越来越重要。他解释说,由于设施园艺全球化的快速增长,对Ridder具有自适性的水肥一体化系统,温室驱动系统,环控计算机和气候幕布的需求巨大。“我们的业务遍及三大洲 - 北美,欧洲和亚洲,我们当地的公司和其合作伙伴尽最大努力的理解最终用户的具体需求以及他们必须应对的环境。”

Helping You Grow Your Way

According to Klaas van de Poppe, CEO of the Ridder Group, it is increasingly important to better tailor solutions and innovations to local conditions and the local knowledge level. He explains that because of the rapid global growth of protected horticulture there is tremendous demand for Ridder's adaptive water systems, greenhouse drive systems, climate computers and climate screens. “We operate on three continents—North America, Europe and Asia—and our local people do their best to understand the specific wishes of the end users and the circumstances in which they must operate.”


除了开发实体的解决方案外,Ridder还投身于知识共享。一个例子是虚拟Ridder Inspirience—一个可访问的数字3D环境,这使得世界各地的种植者能够了解Ridder集团提供的综合全面解决方案。在当地分享知识和培训种植者存在巨大的挑战,所以这是国际家族企业的重要工具。“知识的数字化将发挥越来越重要的作用,因此我们非常需要软件开发领域的新人才,来帮助我们进一步实现数字化进程和解决方案。”


In addition to developing pragmatic solutions, Ridder invests in knowledge sharing. One example is the virtual Ridder Inspirience—an accessible digital 3D environment that enables growers, anywhere in the world, to familiarize themselves with the comprehensive range of solutions that the Ridder group offers. This is an important tool for the international family business, because sharing knowledge and training growers locally poses enormous challenges. “The digitalization of knowledge will play an increasingly important role, so we have a great need for new talent in the field of software development to help us further digitalize our processes and solutions.”


在采访中,Van de Poppe解释说,Ridder正在大力投资新开发项目,以优化可持续农业和园艺业的全球一体化。Ridder越来越多以集团公司的形象呈现给种植者,其品牌具有很强的辨识度,并在国际市场上获得更多的认可。“我们的目标是进一步发挥我们作为一个集团的优势,通过我们的创新保持在行业最前沿,我们相信有能力维护现有的行业地位。“

Operating at group level

In the interview, Van de Poppe explains that Ridder is investing heavily in new developments to optimize the global integration of sustainable agriculture and horticulture. Because Ridder is increasingly presenting itself to farmers as a group, the brand has a strong visual identity and is enjoying greater recognition in the international market. “It is certainly our ambition to further exploit our strength as an organization to stay at the forefront with our innovations. After all, we have a position to maintain.”